The esports technology we developed by organizing real-time tournaments with our community of over 85,000 players opens the door to error-free and trouble-free esports tournaments!
With the seamless tournament experience we provide in competitive games, we not only become a stopping point for people to realize their dreams of becoming an e-sportsman, but also maximize the viewing pleasure for the audience.
It provides access to millions of game-loving audiences in line with their interests, allowing them to identify with the brand. The smooth management of the tournaments we organize with the e-sports technology we have created increases the gaming pleasure and strengthens ties with the brand.
A referee-free, problem-free tournament experience where all processes are automated is always indispensable for esports teams!
As TETO Games, we are stronger with our brands and partners.
Ömer Suner
CEO at OZAN SuperApp
Gözden Keskin Yeşiltaş
Executive Director at BinBin: